Emergency Water Damage Restoration Services in Westminster

If your Colorado property has been damaged by the destructive forces of water, fire or biological contaminants, the timing of your cleanup and restoration is very important! At Westminster Water Damage, with more than 10 years of experience, we have the personnel, technology resources and robust response strategy to restore your damaged Denver property into a success story.

Our emergency teams are available 24/7, 365 days a year because disaster doesn’t always strike during business hours. Our locations throughout the Denver metro area enable us to quickly reach your building and start repairing your leak, fire, septic backup or mold contamination right away. There’s a reason why more major insurance companies choose Westminster Water Damage to fulfill major claims throughout Colorado.

Find out how our leading industry certified professionals can help you get your property and your life back on track after a water, fire or mold disaster by calling us (720) 437-8005

Water Damage Services

Water damage takes a large variety of forms and often creates damage that isn’t visible on the surface. The sooner you seek help with Westminster Water Damage, the less costly the water damage will be. Our team will carry out a thorough inspection of damage to ensure that ALL unwanted moisture is dried out. Call us for all your water damage needs:

  • Plumbing overflows
  • Leaks
  • Sewer backups
  • Burst pipes
  • Floods
  • Basement moisture


Even simple-seeming Westminster kitchen fires can have far-reaching effects. Smoke or soot always travels throughout the home leaving behind smoky-smelling reminders of the fire and damaging occupants’ respiratory health.

Our Colorado Certified Fire Inspectors have the tools and expertise to restore smoke tarnished fixtures and surfaces, rebuild burnt facilities, remove soot and ash residues, eliminate smoke and odors, and protect untouched areas from potential damage during work, saving you money.

  • Kitchen fires
  • Heat warping
  • Electric fires
  • Oil flames


More often than not, mold grows without the home or business-owner even being aware. With hot summers, even the slightest bit of moisture in your office or home can become a breeding ground for infectious molds and bacteria. Our IICRC trained mold experts are versed in the most non-invasive, environmentally safe yet 100% effective methods of mold removal and surface restoration in the business.

Mold may seem innocent, but it can pose serious health problems if left unchecked. Call us at Westminster Water Damage for help with all your mold removal and sanitization needs.

  • Inspection and identification
  • Eliminating source of mold
  • Sterilization
  • Odor removal
  • Surface restoration
  • Inner wall treatment
  • Installation of mold prevention measures

Contact our Westminster office today (720) 437-8005 with help in water, mold or fire cleanup and restoration. Let the professionals handle the dirty work and get back to living your life.